By Syed M. Ilyas
In fulfilment of its mandate, the institution of Wafaqi Mohtasib plays a crucial role in delivering free administrative justice to the public and addressing systemic flaws in the operations of federal government agencies. In January 2022, the Wafaqi Mohtasib emphasized the importance of conducting periodic inspections of these agencies by invoking Articles 9 and 17 of the President’s Order No. 1 of 1983, which created the office of the Federal Ombudsman (Wafaqi Mohtasib) in the country. Special focus was placed on agencies with a high volume of complaints and inadequate compliance with Wafaqi Mohtasib findings, aiming to enhance their efficiency in public service delivery across the country.
As mandated by Article-17 of the President’s Order No.1 of 1983, the inspection visits are a very effective tool to promote efficiency and improve service delivery in the Federal Government organizations. These have brought about remarkable improvements in some of the public sector organizations, such as the Passport Office, Excise & Taxation Office, NADRA, BISP, National Savings apart from Government Hospitals, Airports and Railway Stations. These organizations, prior to these visits, have been generating a large number of public complaints but have now shown considerable improvement in their working.
Conducted by the senior officials of the Federal Ombudsman (Wafaqi Mohtasib’s office) and its Regional Offices, these visits have turned out to be of immense value in addressing the public complaints and improving the service delivery operations. The visiting teams not only address short term issues in the organizations concerned but also suggests long term corrective measures to fix the systemic issues and bring about qualitative improvements. The ultimate aim of such visits is to pave the way for good governance by addressing and eliminating mal-administration and plugging the loop holes.
The Wafaqi Mohtasib follows a laid down procedure for conducting inspection visits. Such visits characterize collective efforts to address issues of public concern. Its salient features, inter alia include: a) There has to be a basis for each inspection. It could be a written complaint from the public against the agency concerned or a news item appearing in print/electronic media duly transcribed for initiating action on his own motion by the Wafaqi Mohtasib; b) The agency must be within the domain of the Wafaqi Mohtasib jurisdiction; c) The Wafaqi Mohtasib will constitute an Inspection Team consisting of a Senior Advisor, to be assisted by an Investigation Officer and an official of the Media Wing; d) The Inspection Team will submit a report to the Wafaqi Mohtasib on the basis of the inspection, discussion with the Head of the agency and the general public.
The legal provisions in regard to the Inspection Teams put across the scope, context and the intent of such visits. The Article 17 of the President’s Order No.1 of 1983 states: “the Mohtasib may constitute an Inspection Team for the performance of any of the functions of the Mohtasib. An Inspection Team shall consist of one or more members of the staff and shall be assisted by such other person or persons as the Mohtasib may consider necessary. An Inspection Team shall exercise such of the powers of the Mohtasib as he may specify by order in writing and every report of the Inspection Team shall first be submitted to the Mohtasib with its recommendations for appropriate action”. Likewise, Article-9 of the same order authorizes the Mohtasib to initiate on a complaint by any aggrieved person, among others or on his own motion, any investigation into any allegation of mal-administration on the part of any Agency or any of its officers or employees.
During such visits, each inspection team meets the officials of the Agency as well as the general public. Each inspection report identifies issues and problems observed during the visit by the Team. All inspection reports are perused by the Wafaqi Mohtasib, which are forwarded to Head of the Agency concerned. The inspection team also makes recommendations, both short and long term, for improving the service delivery of the Agency concerned.
Pursuant to the above provisions, the Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat constituted inspection teams to carry out inspections of the agencies against whom frequent complaints are received, to identify problems and suggest remedial measures. The inspection visits have proved an effective measure to reach out to the general public and help improve the service delivery of those agencies. During the first ten months of the current year, 79 such inspection visits have been undertaken by the Wafaqi Mohtasib Officers at the level of Head Office and the Regional Offices.
Over the last two and a half years, inspection visits conducted by WMS teams across various agencies nationwide have effectively identified both generic and specific issues within key government agencies. The recommendations put forth by the inspection teams, aimed at enhancing service delivery, have been communicated to the relevant federal ministries and heads of the Agencies for implementation. The response received from the various agencies including NADRA, Passport Offices, One Window Felicitation Desks (OWFDs) at International Airports, Protectorate of Emigration & Overseas Pakistanis, and Utility Store Corporation, has been encouraging.
Similarly, systemic issues identified at BISP and USC have been addressed following the WMS recommendations. As regards the Electricity and Gas distribution companies, some of the ongoing issues such as delays in bill delivery, issuance of demand notices, bill adjustment, excessive billing, and replacement of faulty/tempered meters persist. However, these are being substantially resolved through Khuli Katchery visits undertaken by Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat teams and through regular complaints resolution mechanism of the WMS. In short, the Inspection visits have proved their utility and are being undertaken for providing fast-paced redressal to the public of their persistent complaints.
However, it is important to clarify that contrary to the general perception, inspection visits are by no means “intrusions” or “raids” but an effective instrument entailing joint efforts to improve service delivery of the public sector agency, overcome its institutional weaknesses and ultimately pave the way for good governance. These must be taken in the same spirit and context. The past record amply testifies to their utility and potential for improvement.